In early May, Paul and I went to Pierre with Bob and Diane to visit the Prunty family! Paul did really well on the long drive to South Dakota but his DVD player really helps. It was so great to see Laura, Shane, and of course, adorable Baby Sierra who turned 1 while we were, did that first year fly by! I can't believe she's already 1 and walking! Paul did really well with Sierra and loved playing with all of her toys.
We had a busy visit...a ladybug birthday party for Sierra, a few garage sales, a great long run with Laura, Sierra's baptism, and a short trip to the horse races. We also took Paul to the local children's museum when it rained and it was a great interactive museum!
I'm so glad Paul and I went on this trip!

Playing at the children's museum inside the huge indoor treehouse

Checking out the fish with Grandma Diane

Sierra's beautiful ladybug cake made by Grandma Diane!

The Prunty family!