Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jamming together

We were listening to the radio a few nights ago and Paul really got into moving his head to the music. It was really funny! We were able to capture it with the "video" feature of our digital camera...sorry it's so dark!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cute pictures

Just a few pictures of Paul being funny in the morning!

MY way!

A few weeks ago Paul went through a phase where the ONLY way he would eat his waffles in the morning was with the spatula/flipper. That's right, not a spoon or a fork or even his hands, but a huge kitchen flipper. Ryan and I decided it wasn't worth battling over so every morning that we would have waffles, Paul would get his flipper. He would not even entertain the idea of a different utensil! Then as this quickly as this quirk arrived, it was gone and the next week we were back to his fork...or more accurately, his hands! Funny kid!
I love the last picture, it's as if he's saying "That's right, I'm using a flipper, what of it?!"

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cute sweater

Sometimes we struggle to get Paul out his pajamas and into his see, he's totally into trucks/diggers, etc. and a few of his current PJ's are "digger" themed. This is why he loves to keep them on! Last week I was trying to coax Paul out of his PJ's and it wasn't going well. He was NOT interested in changing out of his "diggers" until I remember Grammy had bought him a few sweaters. I was thrilled to discover one of the sweaters had a digger on it! When I showed it to Paul, he was also thrilled. Off with the pajamas and on with the sweater! Thanks Grammy for such a great sweater!


Yes, I realize my 2 year old is still using his infant tub but he loves it! He really won't go into the "big tub" or at least he will NOT sit down when we've tried a bath without his infant tub. He will stand the entire time which doesn't seem that safe. I know I need to put the little tub downstairs (out of his sight) and just keep trying it...but as my daycare provider always tells me, why sweat the small stuff?
Anyway, yesterday Paul squeezed into his tub and then wanted every single bath toy he owns in the tub with him so I had to take a picture! Doesn't look to comfortable to me but he was having a blast!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New look

I've been wanting to change the background of our blog for awhile now but the neat website that offers free backgrounds has been down. A few blogs I follow have the best backgrounds and they all use the same website but I don't know if it will ever be up and running again! Oh well, for the time being, here's a semi-new look for our blog!
I realized I haven't posted for close to 2's time to get the camera out and start taking pictures of our little star! Will get busy posting pictures soon!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Movie night(s)!

Ryan and I haven't watched a movie together for a LONG time...unless you count the endless times we've seen Cars, Baby Einstein Old McDonald Farm Animals, or Baby Einstein's Noah Ark!! We had cancelled our Netflix subscription when Paul was still a little baby because neither of us could stay awake long enough to finish the movie! But Ryan received a Netflix subscription as a generous birthday gift so we were excited to give it another try.
Ryan is still recovering from a bad case of strep throat so we were going to lay low on New Year's Eve(his birthday). The city of Coleraine puts on a pretty amazing fireworks display near our house so we drove down to the park to watch them with Paul...he thought they were pretty neat! Also, they set them off at 6:30 which is nice because it's plenty of time before someone needs to go to bed.
After putting Paul to bed we watched Gone Baby was awesome. Not really an uplifting comedy but a gripping suspense with a huge moral dilemma. We both really liked it and even had a discussion about the movie after it was over. Two thumbs up!
Last night we watched Dan in Real Life which was also really great. A romantic comedy but not cheesy. Steve Carrell is great and we both laughed SEVERAL times. This was really the best "romantic" comedy I've seen in a long time. The family dynamics in this movie were really funny!
P.S. We also watched Iron Man a couple of weeks ago and it was really enjoyable...I didn't really want to watch it because I'm not a huge action fan but I was pleasantly surprised!