Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time with Uncle Brian/Auntie Maira

Maira and Brian babysat for Paul this weekend while Ryan and I curled in a local bonspiel. It sounds like they had a GREAT time and Paul was quite the character! They kept busy by playing, reading, and taking a trip to the new L&M Supply store which Maira said was a big hit with both Paul and Brian! They also watched some the North Dakota hockey game...Maira taught Paul to say "Boo, Sioux!" and went to Brian's brother's house. Eric has a new baby but Paul was more interested in his two dogs.
Here's a few pictures from their time together....looks like they had lots of fun! Thanks again, Uncle Brian and Auntie Maira for babysitting so we could have a night away!
P.S. Maira, did you perhaps read "We're Going On a Bear Hunt" a few dozen times? It is his favorite book today and he wants to hear it over and over!!

Big Boy Bed!

Paul is trying out his new bed which he thought was awesome
UNTIL it was actually bedtime!

A few weeks ago, Paul fell out of his crib during naptime...he wasn't hurt but it really scared him (and us!). The next day Ryan changed his crib into the "transition" bed and you can see from the pictures, Paul had to get right in there with his tools and help out!
The first week was pretty rough at bedtime, lots of putting Paul back into the bed, etc. Naptime for the first week was almost impossible but I think he's getting the hang of it! The past week went pretty smoothly but Paul does end up sleeping on the floor in his room most nights instead of his bed! We would try to sneak into his room and put him back in his bed but he's sleeping right up against the door and you can't open it! Oh well, he'll get himself back into bed one of these nights. The picture below is a rare shot of Paul actually sleeping the whole night in the bed.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New adventure!

I've entered the world of digital scrapbooking!

This is one of my first attempts at a page...I've been using a tutorial book to navigate through Adobe Photoshop. It's a great book my mom gave me that teaches you many different steps/tricks. I've been having a great time learning ALL this program has to offer...I don't think I will completely give up "manual" scrapbooking but I definitely am loving the ease of digital scrapbooking. No cleaning up of paper,embellishments, photos, etc!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend fun!

Paul and I went to the cities this past weekend to visit Grammy and some of the aunties...Ryan was curling in Superior and I thought it would be a great time to take a trip! We stayed with Grammy on Friday night and went to Maureen's on Saturday where Megan and Maira also came to visit. We had such a nice time at both places! Paul was in a great mood all weekend and he loved the all the new toys at both houses. It was really fun to see him interact with his cousins and we got some great photos. My mom took some really nice ones with her "super" camera and I will post those as well. Thanks everyone for such a awesome weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Must Read!

This book was outstanding! It has been on the best-sellers list for quite awhile and after hearing a few co-workers rave about, I gave it a try. I could not put it down...it's gripping and suspenseful and very well written. I recommend this book if you tend to read literary fiction but also if you love suspense/mysteries! Two thumbs way up!

Picture time!

Paul looked pretty cute in his bear sweater from Grammy but really wasn't in the picture-taking mood because he was busying playing. He was a good sport though!

Hmmm, should I smile for the picture and just be done with this nonsense? I want to get back to my tractor!

Okay, fine! Here's your darn smile, Mommy! ( The "forced" smiles begin already!)

All right, here's a real smile! Good one, Paul!