Thursday, January 21, 2010

Snow fun!

These pictures are actually from Christmas Day...time to keep up with this blog! It really was a beautiful day and the temperature was great. We made a snowman like everyone else on our block!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas pictures

We had a great Christmas and enjoyed going to both houses and spending time with family! Paul loved all the presents, food, and excitement of Santa!

Paul showing off his new bedspread from his Auntie's (pictures of his new room will be coming soon)

Having fun attacking Auntie Maira!

Yes, another new Geo-Trax train for my set...thanks, Grammy Sue!

My new cherry-picker from Auntie Megan and Uncle Tyson is awesome!

Thanks for all the great gifts, Grandpa Bob!

My new hat from Grandma Diane is awesome!

Playing Santa and bringing Daddy his big gift!

Happy New Year to everybody!