Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big Boy Bed!

Paul is trying out his new bed which he thought was awesome
UNTIL it was actually bedtime!

A few weeks ago, Paul fell out of his crib during naptime...he wasn't hurt but it really scared him (and us!). The next day Ryan changed his crib into the "transition" bed and you can see from the pictures, Paul had to get right in there with his tools and help out!
The first week was pretty rough at bedtime, lots of putting Paul back into the bed, etc. Naptime for the first week was almost impossible but I think he's getting the hang of it! The past week went pretty smoothly but Paul does end up sleeping on the floor in his room most nights instead of his bed! We would try to sneak into his room and put him back in his bed but he's sleeping right up against the door and you can't open it! Oh well, he'll get himself back into bed one of these nights. The picture below is a rare shot of Paul actually sleeping the whole night in the bed.