Friday, July 10, 2009


Paul has gotten pretty independent lately and wants to do most things "himself"! Or as he says, "No, my-self, my-self"! This includes many actions throughout the day...putting his hat/shoes on, fixing a toy, getting into his chair, and the list goes on. One particular morning, he insisted on taking his pajamas off by himself and we weren't going anywhere so I let him give it a try. Well, he tried for a long time and eventually got his shirt and shorts off. He got his shorts off first which for some reason went immediately on his head...I even removed them so he could get his shirt off but he put it right back on his head once his shirt was gone. He walked around with his shorts on his head for quite some time and loved checking himself out in the mirror until that got old and he moved on to checking out the books on the bookshelf...the potty-training book of all things!