The marathon training is over! The race went pretty well and I'm happy with my results. It was definitely tough from mile 20 to the end but it was a "good" challenge! My marathon "gals" did great and I will miss visiting with them during our long runs...our MANY long runs! It was awesome feeling to complete the marathon after 18 weeks of training. I think I would probably do another marathon in the future but I'm ready to "hang up" my shoes for awhile!

Marathon gals hanging out at the Metrodome before the race....Katie, myself, Rosie, and Heidi
These girls were a crucial part of my training! I don't think I could have done all that training by myself!

Rosie is getting pumped before the race!

Rosie is getting pumped before the race!
Megan snapped this picture after the race...I look exhausted but really I was just freezing and my legs were VERY sore! They continued to be sore for several days!!

What a guy! A nice surprise from Ryan when I got home after the race!

One last long run together before the big race...this was before our 20 miler in White Bear Lake a few weeks before the marathon. It was brutally humid and I'm so glad the marathon was cool, brisk, and perfect running weather!